Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Roses are


The earth started turning the sun overslept

The night had to carry the clouds they all wept

Where are you they shouted we want you to stay

The roses are ready and waiting to play

A meeting was called way out on the edge

A twisting of words and a scribble to pledge

And just at that moment the sun winked its eye

It jumped out of bed and it traveled up high

The clouds were all happy they fluffed and they fluffed

They giggled and smiled and they were all chuffed

As night time approaches straight over the line

An ebony velvet and hint of divine


One of my favourites this poem... might've tweaked it a little.  Was at an exhibition once, think it was one of mine.  Thoughts always run through your mind as an artist.  Crazy ideas have to start from somewhere and it helps to let them out.  Bit like building a house.  Getting off the grass is a huge milestone when you're building your dream... no matter if it's your first or your sixth, building a home is my absolute favourite thing, and something that combines all of our strengths.  If only I put as much effort into that as I do into writing, I'd really get somewhere lol.

We flew home from India a few weeks ago, back to open up our new suite for accommodation... The Front Room.  After weeks of traveling around, years of planning and just the right time, we welcome our first guest in the middle of April 2024.  A nice little compliment to the apartment upstairs, Studio 33, and maybe a little nod towards the painting... the focus has shifted very much from 'how can I sell my art' to 'how can I use it to enhance our business'. And it's funny, because by taking the pressure off yourself, or maybe it's just good timing...  it's all working out just fine.  K