Thursday, May 9, 2024

Footprints on my heart....

 I have a pair of jandals, they're parked up on the sand

They're waiting for my feet, and sometimes for my hand

I must go out and find them, they're somewhere left behind

That's why we must go back again, of course I never mind

There's jandals in Samoa, Rarotonga too

Fiji and Hawaii, and where the waters blue

Even when the jandals leave, the footprints still remain

Imprinted deep upon my heart, we'll never be the same

There's many pairs in other parts, in countries near and far

On beaches seen by eyes wide shut, reflected on a star

Memories and places seen, are yours and yours alone

And when you have your memories, they're always yours to own


Welcome to our writing blog... I'm doing a bit of a rewrite at the moment.  I always love to write, especially when I'm on holiday... I find the freedom inspiring.  The first of many poems and stories to come... Footprints on my heart.... where it all began...


See it, breathe it, do it, taste it, live it, share it, experience it, plan it, dream it, action it, achieve it, enjoy it, feel it, give..............

Give all that you have but leave some in reserve, share all that you are but not all of your clues, plan 5 steps ahead but don't walk off the track, embrace change when it comes and it scares you like mad,

be fearless and free but still scare yourself stupid, be accepting of others, understanding and lucid, be generous with time, leave enough for yourself, share a cake with a sparrow, a duck or a mouse, work as hard as you can, keep your eye on the game,

see things in the dark and keep feeding the flame, be honest and open to keeping it real, and smile away when you let out a squeal, keep painting a story, your mind as a brush, your life as a canvas and not at a rush, keep telling your story not writing your lies, and always remember, keep feeding the source, or the fire will linger and not be the force, so yell out as loud as you can without sound, and hit the ground running, heaven abound........

Add a little bit of that secret ingredient that only you know the recipe to, rock out to a song that is yours to own at the time, simmer it away in your pot until you are ready to boil over and then sprint as fast as you can before the momentum runs out. Have a coffee then...........

Do it all again and again and again and again and again and again and again. And never forget whats important in life!!!!!


This was the start of a really fun journey for me. Trying to figure out art and writing in the beginning was overwhelming and I explored a lot of avenues along the way. Traveling to the South Pacific was an integral part of the process, along with our exhibition and collection for the Edgewater Resort in Rarotonga... with artwork all over the South Pacific, from Beachcomber Island in Fiji to Samoa, to Niue, Vanuatu and as far afield as Kiribati and the Solomon Islands... our goal of 50 paintings in 50 countries before I turned 50 has been met. Included in this list is work in Australia and Santa Cruz in The United States, and a lot of work created, sold and donated all around New Zealand. This has been the most epic few years of my life.

Art is Life... Live the Dream.