Monday, June 17, 2024

Lost and Found

If I was in a castle, who would I choose as Knight

To glaze my tart with sugar, an apricot delight

The air outside is pumping, it's in another zone

I hear it running down my throat, a dripping telephone...

The horse is dark and still, he's chomping at the bit

I know he knows I tell him so, he's really fkn lit

And later in this room, we know it's gonna reign

A warm embracing red rich ruby, Giant lipstick stain


Two sneak peeks at this circle delight has your hands all over it, while preparing for a bite so full, you'll feel like taking off your crown.  Wiping the sweat off your brow comes naturally to the surgeon with the steady hands... a toast to that and thank god he ain't stoned, or who nose the real reason behind this kiss. A transparent mannequin, an invisible ghost, a see through saw... call it what you will, it's speeding.  Through time into another realm. K  

I have driven this road, the sun in our eyes, we stopped at the bridge for a photo.  A road licked on the side of your cheek, exploring many possibilities, tho we travel the highway of another's dream...

And there it was
Past tense
An orbiting star in her head
Not fully enclosed
A loose Pacman awaiting their meal
First course is served, it's beets and jam
Into your mouth, your face, necked...

And here where the winds fly, we meander along the edge, waves banging up below, hills meeting up above.  It's a dream.  There's a lightness to speeding along tar, a freedom, made ever free by sharing the ride...

Second course arrives
Sweet, stomach awaits

...rolling curves lead to...
Ecstasy.  What's around the corner, and the next.  Do we need to know.
Absorbent heart

I saw you sitting on a chair, your heart within a book
I devilishly dived on in and had a sneaky look
I felt your heart was fizzing from a quiet little place
The comfort in connecting from out here in outer space

We have time today to touch the sun.  We have time in our hands, we have love, it's spilling all over into the bowl, into our mouths, our blood, ourselves.  We do have the shoulder for that...

Let's go a little farther now, the snow is wafting through
We'll call a day and bundle up, we're yet to see the blue
Oh boom, surprise and there it is, a woven flick of light
Reflecting all the pieces hidden so far out of sight
A little change of rhythm with a rhyme I wrote today
The gentle swing and sway of words, I'm gonna let them play

I'm about to light the fire, holding onto a dream.  We seek warmth from the trees and comfort from the sun.  In a land of mountain horizon, on the edge of a shimmering lake, we hear your voice over all...

You said direct
Yes, into another story
Splintered shadows
Far, this airport is fkn crazy
O'hare we are
Lost and Found

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The tail end

Significant pr

ogress has been mad

e so we prog

ress to the oce

an disso



I could tell a tale or 2 of whats gone down in this space.  It's full and on.  If we could do it all over again, nothing would change.  At the tail end of the building process, we laugh a lot around our table.

The calm after the Storm... one of my first.  Currently residing in Newtown, Wellington.

Off to cook up a storm

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The return never journeyed

The journey you never returned 

Spadefuls of dirt scattering

Waves cresting in the light

Champions of the sea chattering

To everyone and me

The journey you never returned

in time and not forgotten 


Written on the Interisland ferry... sailing to the other side. Its my turn. Sailing home x

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Elegantly persuaded

You know it's art when it fills the space intended...

Elegantly persuaded to create itself into existence.  Elegantly Jaded was a celebration.  Held in Queenstown, our third exhibition over the hill... from a Sense of Place to a Sense of Space... we've been tipped over the edge on many an occasion.  Proud of that.

There are no critiques here
No information to spare
I listen in to lesson in
We have been touched
To carry on
I know it's art when it fills the space

A rich palette of blues and greens are peaceful in my garden.  A fish out of water, we go there to escape.  We go to fill that space.  To seek. To find peace.  We know it's art there.  It's reassuring to know we are off the hook.  A million words. Thank you. Melodically. K

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Mega Shots


Shhhh..... don't tell anyone but this last post is about to go viral.  Just one shot of courage from the rim injected, cold pressed and pasteurised plastic tin'll be all thats needed to raid the tomb.  While there, you'll be presented with an array of shots... lined up on the parade and a cocktail of roots from the canal.  Significantly raw, this winter ale has homegrown written all over it's neck in large bumpy type from the big app... appealing as it is to be first in line to sample this delicious brood. It's a bit watered down this one, hmmm maybe I'll take one up each nostril, fling my head back and inhale so deep a tornado'll form and erupt on another planet.  Gotta go, my phones ringing... hello Sir. K


I'm gonna whisper this one in case another ear falls off and bury's itself in the ground.  That's sound advice I hear you say... I'll take that one in, object to it, roll it over and throw it off the edge.  Again, don't be fooled by the glass... it's on crack and ain't afraid be be looked through.  Magnifying every little detail is the name of this GAME and we're all fairly involved round here.  Not content with mediocrity, this city sparkles in every hue, far, far ha-way from here.  Coasting all the way to the bar.  This minor shot is potentially writing it's own script.  A lot of chemistry'll be involved in it's making. K

Stumped for a while bought me down to my needs
It's meaning in branch had beginnings in deeds
What's written in pen is interpred in Blu
No need for the fire to smoke through the flue
It means what it means it is taken in well
A tranquil at peace and sincere
I can tell

What are u doing Mary

Do you know how much sht I've written lol...

Twas a nice cur

lee fluff

Fee lit

ill weigh

Stiff thyme


On a hot summer night 

Would you offer your throw

To the wind

With the real knows it

I bet

You say that

To all


Sometimes it takes such a conscious effort to do the thing most unconscious




Haven't written poet

Tree for a while but it 

Spills when it



Going back to art

Is not really how to describe this segment

Nor is exhibiting art the way to displace ones self

But rather a being to live alongside ones thoughts

Out loud I have learnt not to speak so much

Of it all

It speaks alone now

It's peaks


Do you want fries with


Would you like to supersize your Comb




I'm out of


Burn Away


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Bringing it all together

This is the house

This is the malt that lay in the house

This is the roof hungover the malt that lay in the house

This is the stairs sat under the roof hungover the malt that lay in the house

that Jack built

This is the man who had the plan who married the girl who built the walls who worked all day who drove all night who finished the house that

Jack built

This is the girl who had the plan who married the man who built the pipes who worked all day who drove all night who finished the house that

Jack built


Life is a fairy tale.  Bringing it all together is satisfying. Working on a shared dream and vision brings out the artist in us all.  A full rich life doing the thing you love the most for as long as you want to is it. K

Like sand through...

...the hourglass.  We're stuck in traffic on the bridge over The Ganges River in Varanasi... for over 2 hours we're part of this metal crush of horns and screeching bikes.  There's people everywhere, like nothing else we've seen ever.

Thoughts cross your mind... we think nothing, then we get impatient, frustrated, then back to nothing, check in on the time, still nothing, get impatient again, frustrated... again and again.  Finally, we make a decision and we bail out of the taxi and join the queue on foot.  For nothing other than the fact we're actually doing something about the state we've found ourselves in here on this bridge.  Looking down, it's a long way to the dirty water and I don't know how strong these pylons are into the ground.  We head out on foot for our 3.5km walk back to our hotel.

We see a lot along the way... I think this is life changing actually.  I know it's gonna be hard but we're moving.  We try both sides of the bridge, at first moving with the flow of the crowd, till we're stopped by  a wave of motorbikes coming our way.  We cross over, hopping over tow bars and squeezing between tuk tuks and cars, and busses... who drives things that size in this place. At the end of the bridge, there's a rubbish dump running down to the river and a cow chewing on something in a plastic bag.  The smell is terrible... bit like cow sht, but dusty.  There's pot holes everywhere, roads crumbling away and wheels hanging off the edge as if they don't value their safety at all... and in this position, we do the same.

Further along, we see stall holders sitting in puddles of mud, shoes strewn beside pots of boiling grotty water and plastic bags full of deep fried everything... at least they're wrapped.  Theres kids, old people, families all trying to get across the bridge and no one gives an inch... and yet they're calm.  Some even wave at us and the eyes we meet share an understanding... we've been here too.

It's mind blowing this walk... it's as if we cannot have ever imagined ourselves in this situation from our couch.  Between dodging puddles and protecting my toes, we talk about this... how to travel the way we want to, even when you can't go anywhere... it's pretty inspiring.  We ring the tour guide to opt out of the fire show that night, there's no way we can get back across this bridge... Don't worry he says, I've found another way, we'll pick you up in an hour.  Another driver picks us up... the first is still stuck somewhere in town, and we drive through this village to the riverbank to board a boat.  The flat sandy plains of the Ganges eek out in front of us and he waves the boat driver over.  As he approaches, he cannot pull into shore and we need to walk out.  I've read this, that it's like holy water in this river... well to them it is I guess but to me it's kinda gross.  The guide takes his shoes off, rolls his jeans up to his knees.  Brendan does the same.  I slip my jandals off, tuck my dress up and he offers me a piggy back.  The old me would've said yep, I'll take it thanks.  "no" I said "thanks but if you're going in there, I will too" and off we go.  Water laps over our knees... and ashes, presumably from the mornings cremations.  But it's ok.

Very nasty
I can't tell very

Traveling has filled this restlessness in me.  To see life in such unique and diverse ways is pretty epic.  We're off to South East Asia in a couple of weeks... and that will be very nice. K

Days of our Lives

There we were on the beach, dreaming as usual. New York seemed impossible until it wasn't.  We took a little Flight of Fancy to get there and happily, we walked Times Square.  It was always this mystical place I'd dreamt of for like ever... till it became this big noisy city we've seen.  Like snow in the subway, these are the days of our lives...

Elegant streak
Take a peak

There's something I forgot to tell you...
One mere sniff of gold in this place is enticing enough to boil over the pot and scream 'fire in the hole', while dunking another shot from the mountain goat.  On the way up high, the stairs'll trip you up at any turn, leaving just enough room for you to catch your breath and have another puff.  This magic town echo's so much, it voids tickets in the shape of fish and swings marshmallows from over chimney tops head... allowing a monstrous sized bomb to explode inside... if you've got the guts.  I have to say, I love it here now, made more enjoyable by our absence from the role.  Another party favour from the traveler on the loose... take 2 with food.  And swallow. K

Note to self... keep going.  More of the good stuff.  Enjoy the ride. K